Seemannia sylvatica

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Excellent houseplant; even when not in bloom the attractive foliage is evergreen and attractive all seasons. Grown outdoors in dappled shade with plenty of water, the density of the foliage and flowers makes a spectacular show. May die down in the spring, then comes back during the rainy season. This is a great fall to early winter flowering perennial. It spreads rapidly from rhizomes and forms a dense ground cover. You can give flowering starts of it from your garden as Christmas presents.

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Disponibilità: no
Zone Climatiche: 10 - Subtropicale
Portamento: Erbacea Perenne
Esigenze Idriche: Molta
Area Geografica: America
Origine: Bolivia, Perù
Famiglia: Gesneriaceae
Tipo Pianta: Piante Ornamentali
Genere: Seemannia
Foglie: Sempreverde
Periodo di fioritura / fruttificazione: Gennaio Febbraio Novembre Dicembre
Colore Fiori / Foglie: Arancione Rosso Verde